Botany Basics

  • Boerhavia Diffusa


    Phytology, also known as plant science, is the study of plants and their relationship to the environment. It is a…

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  • Lichens


    Thallophyta, also known as thallogens, thallophytes, is a division of non-vascular plants that includes a diverse group of organisms such…

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  • mountain forests

    Montane Forests

    Montane forests, also known as mountain forests, are ecosystems found at high elevations, typically above 1,000 meters. They are characterized…

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  • boreal forest

    Boreal Forests

    Boreal forests, also known as taiga or coniferous forests, are a type of forest ecosystem found in the cold, northern…

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  • boreal forest biome

    Boreal Forest Biome

    A biome is a large, distinct biological community characterized by specific types of plants and animals that are adapted to…

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  • lower members of plantae kingdom

    Lower Member of the Plantae Kingdom

    The lower members of the kingdom Plantae include algae, fungi, and mosses. Algae are a diverse group of aquatic organisms…

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  • Temperate Forests

    Temperate Forests

    Temperate forests are a type of forest ecosystem found in regions with moderate temperatures and ample rainfall. These forests are…

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  • Tropical Forests

    Tropical Forests: A Haven for Plant Diversity

    Tropical forests are known for their lush green canopy and the diverse array of plants that call it home. These…

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  • Mountain Habitat - Mountains

    Mountain Habitat

    Mountains are one of the most varied and complex habitats on Earth, and they support a wide variety of plant…

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  • Wetland Habitat - Wetlands

    Wetland Habitat

    Wetlands are areas of land that are saturated with water, either permanently or seasonally. These habitats are characterized by a…

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